
Before travelling to the UK:

Ask your college or university what your options are for paying fees, so you´ll know what facilities you´ll need. You should then contact your bank at home and ask:

  1. how you should transfer your money to the UK
  2. about running a bank account in the UK
  3. whether your bank has a special relationship with any UK banks
  4. whether you can use cash cards from your home bank in cash machines in the UK

Managing your international student bank account

It is important not to overspend on your account, as your bank will charge you if you go overdrawn. If you think you need more money than you have in your account, speak to your bank´s student adviser about arranging an overdraft. If you need more support to open a bank account please contact with our special advisers.

Additional Services:

We are happy to assist you even further alongside your study if you need any advice regarding job, registering with your GP, membership of public library, student council tax waive, voluntary job related with your course and social activities.

Need any help?
Call us today @ +44 (0) 7932 323190