
Opening Bank Accounts:

To make adjustment with the United Kingdom social-economic life you may require opening a bank account with regulatory financial institute. If you have a bank account could make your life easier to pay any online payment or shopping.
If you are going to study in the UK for a while, you´ll need to open a bank account. You should do this as soon as possible, ideally with a bank on campus or nearby. Many banks offer special student facilities and have financial advisers to help you organise your account.
When you open your international student bank account you will need:

  1. your passport
  2. a letter of acceptance from your place of study
  3. proof of your address at home and in the UK
  4. reference and statements from your home bank

Most banks in the UK are open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday, with some open on Saturday mornings. If you have a cash card for your account you can use a cash machine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Many banks in the UK also offer on-line banking which you may prefer to use. But if you have a debit card you may use for any type of transaction anywhere.

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